Seems like dating apps have nothing to do with dating these days, doesn’t it?

They’re more like swiping through what feels like an endless carousel of “potential matches,” and yet, the closest thing to a date you’ve got is your phone asking if you’re really sure you want to delete the app. Research shows about 77% of people who use dating apps ever end up meeting in real life. 


Despite the letdowns and the endless cycle of disappointment, something keeps you coming back for more. Maybe it's the convenience, the thrill of the possibility, or just a serious commitment to finding love. So you set up your profile (again), Swipe through 1000s of profiles (again), Just to find yourself deleting the app, again. 

There’s only so many times you can go through the same dance before it gets seriously boring - 

But hey, before you decide to give up on love and adopt 10 cats instead, hear us out. There are so many things you can do to meet a special someone. Let’s talk about strategy. There’s nothing like getting yourself out in the real world to meet someone.

And while it may seem like a daunting task, there are ways you can make it easier:

Be a Regular Somewhere:

Coffee shops, bookstores, the local golf club—pick your place and keep showing up. This will hugely increase your chances of meeting someone who shares your interests. Plus, who doesn’t love the idea of meeting someone in real life, just like they do in your fave rom-com movie. Take Liz and Tom, for example. Liz, a freelance graphic designer, made it her mission to work from her local coffee shop every Tuesday and Thursday. Tom, a budding novelist, used the same coffee shop as his quiet escape. Their story started with shared glances over laptops and casual small talk about coffee blends. One day, Tom left a note for Liz at the counter, asking her out. Now, they're not just sharing coffee - they’re sharing a home, and a beautiful life together. 

Join a Class or Workshop

Classes are an epic way to meet people with similar interests. And there is so much magic in shared interests. Whether it’s the rhythm of salsa dancing or the discipline of boxing, these activities draw together people who already have something in common. It’s not just an epic conversation starter—it’s a foundation. It means you’re both likely to be enthusiastic about similar things, making it easier to connect on a deeper level right from the get-go. Plus, if you stay consistent - it means you’ll be seeing the same faces regularly, which naturally builds connection. 

Become a YES Man:

Whether it’s a coworker’s art show, a distant cousin’s birthday, or a neighbor’s BBQ—say yes more often. Think about it - every event you say "yes" to is a portal to a new social circle. Your coworker’s art show isn’t just about appreciating art, it’s about mingling with a crowd you wouldn’t usually meet. These are potential friends or maybe even a future partner who shares an interest in the arts. By entering these new circles, you increase your chances of meeting someone who clicks with you on a different level. And sure, you could go on a blind date or a singles mixer - but honestly, we’re not a big fan of those. Instead of placing expectations on making something happen with a stranger, going to a neighbor’s BBQ is relaxed. You’re there to enjoy good food and casual conversations. It’s in these laid-back settings that connections can happen more naturally ‘cause the focus isn’t solely on "meeting someone" but on having a good time. Worst case scenario, you have an awkward story. Best case, you meet someone amazing. It’s all about putting yourself in new situations, being spontaneous and opening up to the unexpected.

And if all that sounds a bit too overwhelming, 

Considering a service that allows you to get in front of the right people is another way to go. We’ve found a way to facilitate meeting in-person through our app…

A way that’s flipping the script on the ghosting, endless texting saga, and getting you to actually go on dates.

Enter: MAXION. Your matchmaking app.

We’re an app - but not a dating app. 

Think of us as your wingman/wingwoman in the digital space. We don’t just play matchmaker and then leave you to navigate the “Hey, how’s your day?” messages on your own.  We see a connection, and we’re like, “Let’s get these two sexy people to MEET!” 

And boom – we book and confirm your date for you. No back and forth, no “maybe next week” texts. Just real, actual dates. 

We’re all about seeing people hit it off in real life, which is why we throw members-only meets. They’re a place where you get to meet other incredible humans who are also done with the whole “pen pal” phase of dating. Our launch party as an example, was nothing short of AMAZING. Described by attendees as "lit," it was a melting pot of great energy, good people, and incredible vibes. It wasn't just a party; it was a gathering of like-minded people wanting to step out of their comfort zones and connect on a level beyond the usual swiping. ““Sexy location. Sexy people. Sexy energy. Not sure I've been in a room in Dubai with such high value people if I'm honest!” was a statement shared by one of our members who attended. In a nutshell, we’re here to make sure you and your connections actually get to see if sparks fly in the real world – not just on your phone screen.

We’re for the ones who are ready to trade in the endless swiping for some actual, face-to-face dating action. If you’re nodding along thinking, “Finally, someone gets it,” then get yourself on MAXION. Trust us, it’s way more fun than debating whether to send a gif or an emoji.