Ever had a date that was so disastrous that it should’ve come with a warning sign?!

Yep, we get it. It can be seriously wild out there in the dating world. Navigating the uncharted waters of dating apps where "quality control" seems more myth than reality is like stepping into a game of russian roulette. You really have no idea what you're signing up for. We threw the spotlight on our IG followers and asked them what their most unforgettable dating misfires were. And wow - they did not hold back. We received some stories that are equal parts horrifying and hilarious.

Pour yourself a glass and strap yourself in for a very entertaining read. ;)

The 💩That Got Away

We matched on Tinder and had a great conversation. He asked me out on a date and picked me up like a gentleman. We went for coffee and then dinner at a sushi place. Then he invited me over to his place to show me his mixologist skills and his gin collection. I was sitting at the kitchen counter and he started shaking the cocktail. And suddenly I heard some weird noises, and it continues super loudly non stop - he was farting. I pretended not to hear it but he couldn’t stop farting. Then he proceeded to say: Sorry I have some gastric problem today. I smiled shyly and went to his bathroom just to freshen up. While I was washing my hands, he opened the bathroom’s door (it has 2 doors and I didn’t check if the other one was locked or not). He pulled down his pants and sat on the toilet. I was shocked and asked him: are you gonna poop? He looked at me dead in the eyes and said no. 3 seconds later, i heard a “bloop”. He was indeed pooping in front of me. I left and never came back.

Is It Real Love, Or Is It Just A Lease? 

My worst ever date was with a guy who tried selling me an apartment within first 15 minutes of our meet. We met through a dating app and he seemed kind and caring type. I agreed to go out with him as our conversations were refreshing. When I met him, he started whining about his sales targets and how he needs to reach them. Then proceeds to take me to his 'house' for picking up his jacket. When I went in, he started showing me around like its for sale. Lo and behold it was!! It wasn't his house. He then quoted the price and kept trying to sell me the house. I told him I need to leave and I just left from there. Got a cab and dashed out!!

The One With The Electric Scooter

I was talking to a guy for a few weeks via an app and we agreed to meet. He offered to pick me up after work and take me to his “favourite restaurant”. He picked me up on an ELECTRIC SCOOTER and proceeded to tell me his fav restaurant is a well known bakery specialising in cinnamon buns. I was stood in my heels and “day to night outfit” outside the office wanting the ground to swallow me up 🤣 Big lesson learnt - ask more questions!

Gone With the Wine

It was a Thursday afternoon, (before the mon-fri week) and I had matched with a good looking guy. We spoke briefly and he asked to meet that evening for a drink. I thought why not?! I have to put myself out there. We decided to meet in Nola which was one of my favourite bars. I got dressed up and went to meet him. Before I left he said he would be a bit late due to work. Could we push it back 30 mins. That was fine. I went to Nola and I had arrived first so I got a table and ordered myself a drink. Eventually he turned up 20 minutes late and drunk with a designer man bag that was bigger than mine. He felt me up which I quickly put a stop to. He then asked me to go upstairs to his apartment to which I said no. After that he asked when I last had sex because he had great sex that morning in Abu Dhabi. Then he pulled out his phone and started swiping on tinder while I was sat beside him. At this point I rang my friend and told her to meet me in 15 minutes at the bar across the road. I got up and walked out. The following Thursday he messaged asking if I’d like to go for drinks again 🤯 

Thank god for good friends!

We hope these stories serve as a reminder that when you’re relying on a dating app, the journey to love is bound to be littered with unexpected encounters. But don’t be discouraged by these dating dilemmas. For every fail, there is a HUGE success of someone finding their person! All it takes is putting yourself in the right places to meet them. ;)

And if you’re not sure where that place is…

That’s where MAXION comes in. 

Think of us as a personal assistant in your pocket for your dating needs. We serve you profiles that are vetted, verified, and very much in line with your values and life goals. Say goodbye to the days of bathroom dilemmas and hello to quality dates with Dubai's finest. Through our thorough selection process, we make sure that what you’re seeing is what you’re getting.  And we’re not just sending you total smokeshows- we’re taking care of all your date spots, too. We’ve partnered with Dubai’s hottest venues - which means no more guesswork or "cinnamon bun" surprises. Just pure, unadulterated romance for those who expect nothing but the best.

So if you’re ready to make the move your future self will thank you for…

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